1. Order by email to

E-mail Subject : ORDER/ Item Name

Name :..

E-mail : ...

Mobile No. : ..

Address : ...
Order : Item Name

Example :

E-mail Subject : ORDER/ Line ChiffonT-shirt

Name : prudence

E-mail :

Mobile No. : 0878888201

Address : Jl. Tabanas No. 6 Perumahan Gading Asri Indah, Kelurahan Pegangsaan Dua, Jakarta Utara 14250

Order : Line Chiffon T-shirt

2. First Reply from Us

We will confirm you by e-mail notify the order number & the total money to be transferred. Delivery cost will be added to the item’s price. You can choose the kind of the delivery: Fast, Regular, and Economical.

3. Payment Process

Transfer the money to our bank account:
BCA with number account 8705042281, named Antika Insani Khamillia.
Full payment within 24 hours.

4. Payment Confirmation

Your confirmation e-mail inform us once payment has been completed.
Format e-mail : CONFIRM/ Name/ No. Order/ Date Transfer/Account No and named/ Total Transfer
Example: CONFIRM/ Prudence/ 003-X-2011 /10 Oktober 2011/BCA 2561423789 Prudence/ 155.000.

5. Email Reply From Us
We will reply your e-mail for the confirmation and item will be delivered.

For clearer information you can send SMS to 085719191788 / 087886808023

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Chiffon T-shirts and Short Pants

Pink Chiffon T-Shirt : Rp. 125.000
Soft  Pink Short Pants : Rp. 125.000

Green Line Chiffon T-Shirt : Rp. 125.000
Turquoise Short Pants : Rp. 125.000 

Owl Shirt : Sold
Balck Short Pants : Rp. 125.000 

Grab it Fast while it hot!


Mocca's Team

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